

Travel, tournaments, monthly rounds and the GERMAN-RAINBOW-OPEN as a highlight – at the German Rainbow Golfers we always have quite good reasons to meet. Whether just for a few holes or a few days. The what, when and where can be found here…

The Rainbow Tournaments 2024

Rainbow Team Trophy | CANCELLED | 74931 Lobbach (area Heidelberg)

Rainbow NRW Tournament | June 1, 2024 | 41844 Wegberg-Merbeck

Rainbow Kuckucks Cup | June 14 -16, 2024 | Around Wuerzburg

Rainbow Hamburg Masters | August 3 – 4, 2024 | 22397 Hamburg

Rainbow Ladies Cup | August 23 – 25 | 27798 Hude

19th Int. German Rainbow Open | October 3 – 5, 2024 | 42579 Heiligenhaus


All other important information about the Rainbow Tournaments shortly can be found here: Rainbow Tournaments 2024

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