
For the fun of it all:

Become a German Rainbow Golfer now.

The German Rainbow Golfers – that is the community of lesbians and gays playing golf, who don’t want to meet their peers just by chance. We want to have fun in the community and our favorite sport. And I did it with intent!
We organize regional rounds, national tournaments, international golf trips and of course the great German Rainbow Open, Europes biggest and most exclusive community golf tournament.
With catering, as it should be, as well as special and great prizes and flashy parties…
Is that something for you?
Then become a member of us, the German-Rainbow-Golfers e.V. – with only 72 EUR per year you help to promote our idea (please note that the application form currently  is available in German language only). Just click on the button:

Just to let you know whom you’re up against:

German Rainbow Golfers e.V. (registered society)

The German Rainbow Golfers e.V., founded on 27 March 2007 (then German Rainbow Open e.V.), is the association that organises and promotes golf activities for the LGBTI community.

Officials of the club organise large and small golf tournaments in many regions of Germany.

Production and maintenance of this website are essential elements of the association in order to communicate the offers to the community.

Interested are cordially welcome to participate in the events, even without having to become a member of the association.

Of course we are especially happy about new members, because there is a lot of work to do around the tournaments, trips and events of the German Rainbow Golfers e. V.: location scouting, price negotiations, organizing, informing, inspiring sponsors, making surprises, considering wishes…


We do this work passionately and on a voluntary basis. But it is the annual contributions of our members that make all this possible and help us to further develop the idea of our association in the long term.


The German-Rainbow-Golfers e.V. is recognised as a non-profit organisation, so donations in money and in kind can be claimed for tax purposes. However, the annual contributions are not tax-deductible.

We are members of EGLSF

Annual subscription via (SEPA direct debit):

ordinary members EUR 72,-,

Supporting members at least EUR 72,-.

The membership year begins on 1.1. of each year and ends on 31.12.

We will be happy to answer any questions or suggestions you may have.


Board of Directors:

1st Chairman: Andreas Iken, Hamburg

2nd Chairman: Theresa Domann, Hamburg

Treasurer: Markus Ortlieb, Heidelberg


Addresses of the association:

For general, postal enquiries about the association or, for example, membership or sponsorship topics, please contact our office:

German-Rainbow-Golfers e.V.
c/o Andreas Iken
Lessingstraße 12
22087 Hamburg



Please send official, e.g. legal questions by post to our association address:

German-Rainbow-Golfers e.V.
Schöffengasse 19, 41751 Viersen


VAT ID No.: DE256491648


Bank details:


German-Rainbow-Golfers e. V.



Deutsche Skatbank
Zweigndl. d. VR-Bank Altenburger Land eG

Altenburger Str. 13

04626 Schmölln



DE82 8306 5408 0005 2462 70