
Our monthly golf rounds in some regions in Germany:

Play with our community golfers.

From April to October our members hit the golf courses in many regions of Germany. Depending on the region almost every month.

You wanna join us?

You’re more than welcome!

To be informed about the activities in your region, please contact the person mentioned here and ask to be put on the regional mailing list.


And, no, you don’t have to become a member of the German-Rainbow-Golfers e.V. to join right away. All the nicer, of course, if you decide to become a member.


We look forward to seeing you!

Jochen Helmer | REGION NORTH | Greater Hamburg


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Martina Loesgen | REGION BREMEN


Inge Wawra & Andreas Ulrich | REGION WEST | Greater Cologne-Bonn


Erika & Verena | REGION South-West | Greater Frankfurt-Mannheim-Stuttgart


Andrea Martschink | REGION Bavaria | Greater Munich
