
You are not alone 🙂

Find flight partners in your area.

If you would like to find out if there are other community golfers in your area, please check first if we are hosting MONTHLY GOLF  ROUNDS in your area. The respective organizers will then be the appropriate contacts and will add you to their e-mail list.
If you live in a region where there are no regular community golf rounds, just write us a short note. We don’t (unfortunately still) know all LGBT golfers in our country, but a few hundred have joined us over the years – maybe we know someone close to you.
Your e-mail must, of course, contain some information about the region, postcode and, if applicable, your golf club, or details of where you are looking for. And please give us permission in your e-mail to pass on YOUR e-mail address to community golfers known to us. This is the only way we can connect you without any further questions.
Come on, let’s go – just click on the button and enter your data (see above):
Now go for it – just click and write.

And if you are looking for flight partners abroad, check our “LINKS” site. We have contact to some LGBT golf groups; the IRONS (London) and the GOFFERS in Ft. Lauderdale are particularly active and visitors friendly…